Drinking and the festive season

Eden Recovery Centre urges all to remain safe and think again when it comes to alcohol.
During the Christmas and New Year period there is an increase in festivities, parties, family gatherings, work functions and braais. While it’s a great time of year for some, drinking and the festive season can be a very worrying and strenuous time for alcoholics and their families”, says Athy, from Eden Recovery Centre.
The festive season is a good time to reflect on our drinking culture and the way we drink. Eden Recovery Centre tells us that even when people intend to drink responsibly, it can be difficult to stick to this plan because getting drunk is often an accepted norm during this time and there is often social pressure to drink.
One of the most important ways to create a less harmful drinking culture is to change the acceptance of drunkenness, and the problems that go with it. To start changing the drinking culture and to help you to look after yourself, your friends and family, here are some tips to implement during the festive season and throughout the year.

Tips for drinking and the festive season from Eden Recovery Centre:

• Plan some alcohol-free days – grab a juice, mineral water or iced tea instead.
• Keep count of your standard drinks by pouring your own drinks.
• Eat before, and while, you are drinking
• Alternate alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic drinks
• Plan activities for your family that don’t involve alcohol. Even responsible alcohol use can send the message to your children that alcohol is a necessary part of everyday life. Show them that alcohol doesn’t have to be part of every social situation to have a good time.
• Set yourself some goals. New Year’s is a great time to think about cutting down the amount of alcohol that you consume.
• Avoid drinking on an empty stomach.
• Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
• Look out for your family and friends.
• Avoid combining alcohol with energy drinks.
• Drink slowly and try drinks with lower alcohol content.
• Remember that many drink serving sizes are often more than one standard drink which means your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) may be rising more quickly than you think. Check the label on the drink container for standard drink information.
• Pour your own drinks so you can be sure of how much you have consumed.
• If you are driving to the party, carpool with a few friends and decide who will be the designated driver at the start of the night.

For information on Eden Recovery Centre’s Treatment Programmes which may help you or your loved one deal with addiction during the festive season, please contact the Eden Recovery Centre. You can depend on full discretion.

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